Minggu, 14 Juni 2020

My Impression studying online

My Impression studying online for 3 months

The Corona pandemic covid 19 provides many valuable lessons in every aspect of life.

Most office carry out work from home (WFH) to their employee and  students also switch their learning activities to online.  This is all to support government's efforts to reduce the spread of the corona virus.

 And likewise for us students of KIBI REG 19 DISDIKAL, we also carry out online courses.

 Many obstacles occur during the online course, start from the beginning of the lesson to assign the assignments.  The Constraints such as some of us are still carried out office duties, we can't focus on working on and receiving lessons.

But we can slowly overcome.

 In my opinion, conducting online course from home is fun and happier because I can teach and assist my son doing their homework in working hour while studying online.  Especially when the UN test, I can focus to assist them to study and do their assignments while i am doing the course.

What made us sad that we were not being able to meet and interact personally with the teachers and other students.

 The course soon will be over.  Hopefully we can all finish and give the best for my institution especially for ourselves too.

Pandemi Corona atau covid 19 memberikan banyak pelajaran berharga dalam setiap sendi kehidupan.

 Sebagian besar karyawan melaksanakan work from home (WFH) dan para siswa juga “memindahkan’ kegiatan belajar di rumah, secara online. Ini semua sejalan dengan upaya pemerintah dalam mengurangi dampak penyebaran virus corona.

Dan begitu juga untuk kami para siswa KIBI REG 19 DISDIKAL, kami pun melaksanakan kursus dengan secara online. 

Banyak kendala disaat pelaksanaan kursus, dimulai dari awal pelajaran hingga pemberian tugas-tugas. Kendala yang terjadi karena sebagian dari kami masih melaksanakan tugas kantor, sehingga membuat kami tidak bisa fokus dalam mengerjakan dan menerima pelajaran.

Tetapi seiring berjalannya waktu semua kendala pelan-pelan dapat kami atasi.

Untuk Saya pribadi melaksanakan kursus online ini merupakan kebahagiaan karena saya dapat menemani dan membantu anak saya selama belajar online. Apalagi disaat ujian PAT anak, saya bisa fokus membantu anak dan juga mengerjakan tugas dari kursus.

Tetapi yang membuat sedih kami tidak bisa bertemu dan bertatap langsung dan juga tidak bisa bertanya banyak kepada para guru.

Untuk saya pribadi msih banyak yang belum saya mengerti tetapi karena keadaan mau tidak mau harus bisa.

Dan kursus sesaat lagi akan selesai. Semoga kami semua dapat menyelesaikan dengan baik dan bisa memberikan Yang terbaik untuk dinas dan terutama untuk diri kami sendiri.

Minggu, 07 Juni 2020



A teacher is an important person in everyone’s life. She or he gives good education and teaching for good habits. For students, a teacher is the one who influences their character, habits, career, and education in life.

Seorang guru adalah orang penting dalam kehidupan setiap orang. Dia memberi pendidikan dan pengajaran yang baik untuk kebiasaan yang baik. Bagi siswa, seorang guru adalah orang yang memengaruhi karakter, kebiasaan, karier, dan pendidikan mereka dalam kehidupan.

 I have a teacher in my life who was important to me. When I was sixth grade elementary school, I have My favourite teacher is Mrs. Yuli. She is my homerrom teacher. She teaching Bahasa and Math.

Saya memiliki seorang guru dalam hidup saya yang penting bagi saya. Ketika saya duduk di kelas enam sekolah dasar, saya memiliki guru favorit saya, dia adalah Ny. Yuli. Dia adalah wali kelas saya. Dia mengajar Bahasa dan Matematika.

She is not a kind and sweet teacher. But she is assertive teacher. I know she loves her students but in her own way. She always there whenever we  needed. She is well educated and knows a lot about what we want to know. She also knows so many news and facts in the world so that she tells us all those current affairs to improve our general knowledge.

Dia bukan guru yang baik dan manis. Tapi dia adalah guru yang tegas. Saya tahu dia mencintai murid-muridnya tetapi dengan caranya sendiri. dia selalu ada kapanpun dibutuhkan. Dia berpendidikan baik dan tahu banyak tentang apa yang ingin kita ketahui. Dia juga tahu begitu banyak berita dan fakta di dunia sehingga dia memberi tahu kita semua urusan saat ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan umum kita.

why she became my favourite teacher, because I am a lazy child and my grades have never been the best. But since she taught and became my homeroom teacher, my grades have been good and my parents are happy.  And I can go to my favourite junior high school in my city

Mengapa dia menjadi guru favorite saya, karena saya adalah anak yang pemalas dan nilai saya tidak pernah menjadi yang terbaik. Tetapi sejak dia mengajar dan menjadi wali kelas saya, nilai saya menjadi bagus dan orang tua saya bahagia. Dan saya bisa masuk ke sekolah SMP favorite di kota saya.

I will never forget her kindness, and until now we are still communicating with each other. Only the last news that I received at this time she was sick. May Allah immediately give her healing.

Saya tidak akan pernah bisa melupakan jasa-jasanya, dan sampai saat ini kami masih saling berkomunikasi. Hanya berita terakhir yang saya terima saat ini beliau sedang sakit. Semoga Allah segera memberinya kesembuhan.

That's my little story about my teacher. And I'm very happy and proud of them. As well as the teachers who taught me both at school and elsewhere. And likewise with my teacher at this time on KIBI 19, 2020. I hope that you are all given blessings and health by Allah swt

Itulah sedikit cerita saya mengenai guru saya. Dan saya sangat bahagia dan bangga dengan mereka. begitu juga dengan guru-guru yang telah mengajarkan saya baik di sekolah maupun di tempat lain. Dan juga dengan guru saya saat ini dalam kursus KIBI 19, 2020. Saya berharap kalian semua diberi keberkahan dan kesehatan oleh Allah swt

Selasa, 02 Juni 2020

MY DREAM HOUSE, miss nani 2-06-2020


By: Warrant Officer Syarifah 

                House is the place to stay together with part of our family. A good house is the house that makes the dweller fells so comfortable. My dream house is the house that has complete facility and wide garden. I want to try my best to get my dream house in my future later on.

Rumah adalah tempat tinggal bersama keluarga. Rumah yang baik adalah rumah yang membuat penghuninya merasa nyaman. Rumah impian saya adalah rumah yang memiliki fasilitas lengkap dan taman yang luas. Saya ingin mencoba yang terbaik untuk mendapatkan rumah impian saya di masa depan saya nanti.

            Actually, my dream house is so simple to make if I have a lot of money. I have a big family, so I need a big house. In the first floor of my house I want to have three bedrooms, one bedroom for my parents, one bedroom for me, and the other for my maid.  My parent bedroom and my bedroom, I want to have complete furniture and facilities such as there are bathrooms, table, chair, television, etc. In my bathroom I want a large bathroom with complete facilities such as shower, bathtub and the thing that use to organize temperature of the water so that I enjoy when take a bath. And in my bedrooms, I want a purple for the wall. At second floor I need three bedrooms to. A large bedroom for my son and daughter and the other for a guest.

Sebenarnya, rumah impian saya sangat sederhana untuk dibuat jika saya punya banyak uang. Saya punya keluarga besar, jadi saya butuh rumah besar. Di lantai pertama rumah saya, saya ingin memiliki tiga kamar tidur, satu kamar tidur untuk orang tua saya, satu kamar tidur untuk saya, dan yang lainnya untuk pelayan saya. Kamar tidur untuk saya dan orang tua saya, saya ingin memiliki furnitur lengkap dan fasilitas seperti ada kamar mandi, meja, kursi, televisi, dll. Di kamar mandi saya, saya ingin kamar mandi besar dengan fasilitas lengkap seperti shower, bathtub dan benda yang gunakan untuk mengatur suhu air sehingga saya menikmati saat mandi. Dan dikamar tidur saya, saya ingin dinding berwarna ungu.  Di lantai dua aku butuh tiga kamar tidur juga. Kamar tidur besar untuk putra dan putri saya dan yang lainnya untuk tamu.

In the first floor beside a bedroom, there is a kitchen. In the kitchen of my house I want to have complete facilities such as refrigerator to put the foods, vegetable, meat, eggs, cold drink, etc, the stove to cook every day and the oven for making a cake, the microwave and the other. And beside that I want to have a dining table with 4 to 6 chairs with a table that can be opened or extended.

Di lantai pertama di samping kamar tidur, ada dapur. Di dapur rumah saya, saya ingin memiliki fasilitas lengkap seperti lemari es untuk meletakkan makanan, sayuran, daging, telur, minuman dingin, dll, kompor untuk memasak setiap hari dan oven untuk membuat kue, microwave dan lainnya. Dan selain itu saya ingin memiliki meja makan dengan 4 hingga 6 kursi dengan meja yang bisa dibuka atau diperpanjang

In the second floor of my house I will make a big family room, the purpose just as a place together with part of my family. In every side of the second floor there are many windows, the purpose just so that I can enjoy the view from the second floor. in the first floor i will make a living room with cozy sofa for my guest. And for the wall I want to use a beautiful wallpaper with a shades purple. Because it is my favorite colour.

Di lantai dua rumah saya, saya akan membuat ruang keluarga besar, tujuannya hanya sebagai tempat bersama dengan bagian dari keluarga saya. Di setiap sisi lantai dua ada banyak jendela, tujuannya hanya supaya saya bisa menikmati pemandangan dari lantai dua. di lantai pertama saya akan membuat ruang tamu dengan sofa yang nyaman untuk tamu saya. Dan untuk dindingnya saya akan menggunakan wallpaper yang cantik dengan nuansa ungu. Karena ini adalah warna kesukaaan saya.

Behind of my house I will make a wide garden filled with flowers and kind of fruits and a place for playing with my family or my friends.   Have you ever imagined to have your dream house? I think you will enjoy your daily activity at home and that is like heaven of world. I know to make my dream house will not be easy for me because it needs a lot of money, to get a lot of money the first thing that should I do is I must be successful. I want to make my family, friends, and the other that I love proud to me.

Di belakang rumah saya, saya akan membuat taman yang luas penuh dengan bunga dan jenis buah-buahan dan tempat bermain dengan keluarga atau teman-teman saya. Pernahkah Anda membayangkan memiliki rumah impian Anda? Saya pikir Anda akan menikmati aktivitas harian Anda di rumah dan itu seperti surga dunia. Saya tahu membuat rumah impian saya tidak akan mudah bagi saya karena butuh banyak uang, untuk mendapatkan banyak uang hal pertama yang harus saya lakukan adalah saya harus sukses. Saya ingin membuat keluarga, teman, dan orang lain yang saya cintai bangga kepada saya.

            “Home sweet home” is a word that really could express your feeling to have such a great house. My dream house is the house that makes me and my family feels comfortable; enjoy the situation, and safe. Although just small house it can be my dream house for me because the most important things for me is togetherness with part of my family. Luxury house is not always comfortable for me.

“Home sweet home” adalah sebuah kata yang benar-benar dapat mengekspresikan perasaan Anda untuk memiliki rumah yang hebat. Rumah impian saya adalah rumah yang membuat saya dan keluarga saya merasa nyaman; nikmati situasinya, dan aman. Walaupun hanya rumah kecil, itu bisa menjadi rumah impian saya karena hal terpenting bagi saya adalah kebersamaan dengan bagian keluarga saya. Rumah mewah tidak selalu nyaman bagi saya.

Homework mis nani 28 mei 2020

Exercise B page 15 book 9
Change the sentences to present progressive for future
1. We will eat lunch later today.
We are eating lunch later today
2. The train won’t arrive in 10 minutes.
The train is not going arrive in 10 minutes
3. Flight 123 is going to leave in an hour.
Flight 123 is going to leaving in an hour
4. Will he fly home next year?
Is he going to flying home next year?
5. They won’t go to the gym after class.
They’re not going to the gym after class
6. Are you going to wear your uniform tomorrow?
Are you going to wearing your uniform tomorrow?
7. The bus will depart at 2:00
The bus is going to departing at 2:00
8. Is bob going to eat dinner with his brother tonight?
Is bob going to eating dinner with his brother tonight?
9. Will Ted drive to Miami on Friday?
Is Ted going to driving to Miami on Friday?
10. I’m going to leave after lunch.
I’m going to leaving after lunch

Exercise C
1. What time is flight 06 to Atlanta departure?
Flight 06 is departing at 10:10 am
2. What is your flight number to Boston?
My fligt number is 28 it will departing  at 1.10 pm and arriving at 8.30
3. Where is flight 11 flying to?
Flight 11 is flying to Boston.
4. Where is flight 21 flying to?
Flight 21 is flying to Chicago.
5. What time is flight 21 arrive in Chicago?
Flight 21 will arriving at 4:30 pm

Kamis, 21 Mei 2020

homework Maj Nani 20-05-2020

Homework for book 8 lesson 3

Exercise A
Yesterday we went to a movie. We wanted to see a show. From there we went to a restaurant.
This morning she went to the post office. She wanted to buy stamps. From there she went to the barracks.
Last night they went to the library. They wanted to get a book. From there they went to the snack bar.

Exercise B (change the verbs in parentheses. Use the past tense)
Private jones (makes) made a long distance phone call from a pay phone. He (gets) got some change. He (puts) put the coins near the phone. He (picks up) picked up the receiver and (listens) listened for the dial tone. He (puts) put a quarter in the slot. He (dials) dialed “0”. The operator (answers) answered. He (says) said to the operator, “I want to make a long distance phone call. The number is 525-729-9101. “The operator (says) said, “Deposit $1.50 for the first three minutes.” Then, he (pays) paid for his call. Next, he (has) had a short conversation with his sister. Finally, he (hangs up) hung up the phone.

Exercise C
1. The operator said, “Sorry the line is busy”
2. The operator said, “The call will cost $4.75 for three minutes
3. You can’t make a call from this public phone without any coin
4. He bought that coat for $20.00. it was cheap
5. The teacher said “Might study for the test and you’ll do well.”
6. He was angry. He hung up without saying “goodbye.”
7. They make trucks in the big factory
8. Dave found his ID card behind the front seat of his car
9. Karen put three quarters into the slot
10. Pennies, nickles, and dimes are all coins

Exercise D
1. How do I use this phone? (F. Just put the coins in the slot)
2. How do I get to the BX? (I. just go straight ahead)
3. Can I walk on the wet floor? (A. sure, just don’t fall down)
4. Does this bus go to 2nd street? (G. No, it just goes to Lee Avenue)
5. Is Marry in her office? (C. Just a minute, I’ll see)
6. Why are the lights off? (H. I don’t know. They just went out)
7. Is it going to rain? (J. it might. Bring your umbrella)
8. I didn’t do well on my test. (D. just try to do better next time)
9. Let me speak with Mary, too. (B. Oh, too late. I just hung up)
10. Are you ready to make the call? (E. I just need to get some change)
Exercise E
1. Who are you writing to? To whom are you writing?
2. With whom are you having dinner? Who are having dinner with?
3. For who is the phone call? To whom is the phone call for?
4. Who do you want to speak to? To whom do you want to speak?
5. To who is that letter for? For whom is that letter?
6. To whom did Travis give the phone? Who did Travis give the phone to?
7. Who are you going to town with? With whom are you going to town?

Exercise F
1. When are you going to study for this week’s quiz? I might study on Tuesday evening
2. When are you going to start tomorrow’s homework? I might start tomorrow’s homework tonight.
3. What will you eat for dinner tonight? I may eat noodle for dinner tonight
4. What are you going to do this weekend? I might go to watching a movie
5. Where are you going to go on your next vacation? I might going to west sumatra next vacation.
6. Where will you live in five years? I may live in Jakarta in five years.

Exercise G
1. Jane went to the commissary (d. she’s going to meet a friend)
2. Rod is a doctor (c. he visits sick people in hospitals)

Exercise H (write the referent for the word in italics.
1. Pvt Bennett went to Dr. Fisher’s office. He looked at her and said, “Pvt Bennet, you are vey sick.” Then he gave her some medicine and sent her back to her barracks. He said “Go straight to bed!”
He = Dr. Fisher’s
2. Brian’s plane left Chicago this morning at 6.30 a.m. it’s the same flight he took a month ago. It arrives at 10.20.
It = plane
3. Capt. Rock wanted to call his brother. He dialled the number many times, but there was no answer. Then he remembered that his brother was on vacation and not at home.
He = Capt rock

Exercise I
1. Have a business (F. conversation)
2. Meet an important (d. person)
3. Turn to the book’s last (a. page)
4. Buy an expensive (e. watch)
5. Get a sad (g. phone call)
6. Put in small (c. coin)
7. Pay a high (b. bill)
8. Deposit a small (h. change)

Exercise J (match the sentences that mean the same thing)
1. Some calls are cheaper than others (e. some calls are less expensive than others)
2. Some calls cost more than others (d. some calls are more expensive than others)
3. I’d like to make a Long Distance call (f. I want to make a long distance call)
4. What do long distance calls cost? (a. how much are long distance calls?)
5. Put the coins in the slot (c. deposit the change in the slot)
6. When is it less expensive? (B. when is it cheaper?)

Exercise K (write the paragraph with correct punctuation) 
Major Spencer needed to make a call from a public phone. First, he had to find a phone, he looked around but he didn’t see one. Next, he walked down to the corner and looked for a phone there. He didn’t see one. He only saw a bus stop there. Finally, Major Spencer walked into the store at the corner and asked “Is there a phone I can use?” The Clerk said “Sure, you can use this one. Just dial 9 to get an outside line.”     

Exercise L
Frank: Where do you work?
Harry: I work in a factory
Frank: What do you make there?
Harry: We make furniture. It’s a furniture factory
Frank: My brother works in factory, too! He works in a car factory
Harry: then he makes more money than I do!

Senin, 04 Mei 2020

My hometown, 5/4/20

Hi everyone..
This is an exercise about my hometown from miss nani.

Hi, my name is Alex and I live in a small village situated in the western part of Austria, in a large Valley at the foot of the mountains.
People here are very friendly and we all know each other.
It’s a very quiet place, the air is clean and fresh and the landscapes are breathtaking.
What I like most about my village is that you can enjoy several sports activities here, such as hiking and mountain biking. I go hiking very often with my friends.
You can also try rock climbing here. I don't like this sport though, I think it's, too dangerous.
In winter, many tourists come here for skiing and snowboarding. Skiing is one of my favorite sports too.
There is a small ski resort above the village. The tourists come and visit our village too.
There are two shops in my village, a bakery and a grocery store. There's also
a school and a post office.
There is a small clinic not far away from my house.
There is also a bus stop,.. and a railway station.
It's a beautiful village, and I loved growing up in the countryside, but sometimes it's a little boring.
I would like to be able to move to a big city one day because there are opportunities that you can't find here.

(hai, nama saya Alex dan saya tinggal di desa kecil yang terletak di bagian barat Austria, di sebuah lembah besar di kaki gunung.
orang-orang disini sangat bersahabat dan kita saling kenal. Ini adalah tempat yang sangat tenang, udaranya sangat bersih dan segar dan pemandangannya menakjubkan. yang paling saya sukai dari desa saya adalah kamu dapat menikmati beberapa olahraga disini, seperti hiking dan bersepeda gunung. Saya pergi hiking sangat sering dengan teman-teman saya. kamu juga bisa mencoba panjat tebing disini. aku tidak suka olahraga ini, aku pikir itu terlalu berbahaya. saat musim dingin, banyak turis datang kesini untuk bermain ski dan berselancar. Ski adalah salah satu olahraga favorit saya juga. Ada resor ski kecil di atas desa. Turis-turis datang dan mengunjungi desa kami juga. Ada 2 toko di desaku, toko kue dan toko kelontong. Juga ada sekolah dan kantor pos. Ada klinik kecil tidak jauh dari rumahku. Ada juga terminal bus dan stasiun kereta api. Ini desa yang indah dan saya senang besar di pedesaan, tapi terkadang saya sedikit bosan. Aku ingin pindah ke kota besar suatu hari karena peluang tidak bisa kamu temukan disini.)

Hi my name is Ben and I live in the big city, New York.
I live in a three-room apartment on the eighth floor, with my parents is my younger brother.
My city is very crowded and noisy.
My school is not very close to where I live, so I have to take the subway.
You can reach so easily everywhere with a subway.
There are many people of all cultures in my city. They speak different languages.
The taxis are also great to get you where you want to go, if you don't want to wait for the subways.
I almost never go to school by car with my parents, because we always have to wait for hours in the traffic jam. That's one of the things I dislike about my city.
And there is much pollution in the city.
But, fortunately, we have many parks. Central Park is the most famous one. It is landmark in New York City.
There is a zoo in the Central Park that you can visit.
I like New York because there is so much great food everywhere so many
places and cuisines to try.
There are so many stores where you can buy anything you need.
There are movie theaters, where you can watch the latest movies ..
Swimming pools, sports centers, museums, schools colleges, and universities.
I don't like the skyscrapers. There are too many and too tall.
I hate the heavy traffic in the city, the pollution and the noise ...
.. and I also hate crowds.
It's a wonderful city. There's a lot to do and to see, but I'd
rather live in a smaller city, less crowded less noisy.

(hai, namaku Ben dan saya tinggal di kota besar, New York. Saya tinggal di apartemen tiga kamar di lantai 8 bersama orang tua dan adik laki-laki saya. Kota saya sangat ramai dan bising. Sekolahku tidak terlalu dekat dengan tempat tinggal saya, jadi saya harus menaiki kereta bawah tanah. Kamu bisa menemukan dimana saja dengan mudah kereta bawah tanah. Ada banyak orang dari berbagai budaya di kota saya. Mereka bicara berbeda bahasa. Taksi juga bagus untuk membawamu kemana kamu ingin pergi, jika kamu tidak mau menunggu kereta bawah tanah. Saya hampir tidak pernah ke sekolah naik mobil dengan orang tua saya. Karena kami selalu terjebak macet. Itu salah satu yang tidak kusukai dari kotaku. Dan banyak polusi di kota ini. tapi, untungnya kami mempunyai banyak taman. Central park adalah yang paling terkenal. Itu adalah landmark di kota New York. ada kebun binatang di Central park yang bisa kamu kunjungi. Aku suka New york karena ada banyak makanan enak dimana-mana dan masakan untuk dicoba. ada banyak toko dimana kamu bisa membeli apa saja yang kamu butuh. Ada banyak bioskop, dimana kamu bisa menonton film terbaru. Kolam renang, pusat olahraga, museum, perguruan tinggi, dan universitas. Aku tidak suka gedung pencakar langit. Itu terlalu banyak dan terlalu tinggi. Aku benci lalu lintas yang padat di kota ini, polusi dan kebisingan. dan juga aku benci keramaian. Ini adalah kota yang luar biasa. Ada banyak yang bisa dilakukan dan dilihat, tapi aku lebih suka tinggal di kota yang lebih kecil, jauh dari keramaian dan kebisingan.)

Hello, welcome to my hometown.
I live in Copenhagen, which is the capital of Denmark.
I live downtown in a four room flat with my parents and my two siblings.
I really love my hometown. It's a great place to live. I've grown up here since I was a baby.
What I like most about the city is the rainbow of colors as one looks down the
streets of Copenhagen.
I enjoy the lively streets full of people and so many shops, cafes, street food stands.
I think its charm comes from the feeling of a “small city.”
People in Copenhagen love bikes. They bike to work, to school, to bring the kids to kindergarten, to shop for groceries.
I also bike to school every morning. It's such a healthy lifestyle.
Copenhagen is a city by the sea, so I like taking a boat ride with my dad pretty often.
I have so much fun.
My city looks like a modern day fairy tale because there are many beautiful castles and Gardens.
My friends and I love to walk through the gardens and enjoy a picnic.
I love my city very much, people are so friendly and optimistic here. I would not live in any other place. We are said to be the happiest people in the world.

(hai selamat datang di kampung halamanku. Aku tinggal di Copenhagen, ibu kota Denmark. Aku tinggal di pusat kota di flat empat kamar dengan orang tua saya dan dua saudara kandung saya. aku sangat mencintai kampung halamanku. itu tempat yang bagus untuk tinggal. aku besar disini sejak aku bayi. yang paling aku suka dari kota ini adalah warna pelangi saat melihat ke bawah jalan-jalan Kopenhagen. Aku menikmati jalan-jalan ramai orang dan ada banyak toko, kafe, jajanan pinggiran. Aku pikir pesonanya berasal dari perasaan "kota kecil". orang-orang di Kopenhagen menyukai sepeda. mereka bersepeda pergi ke bekerja, sekolah, untuk membawa anak-anak ke taman kanak-kanak, berbelanja bahan makanan. Saya juga bersepeda ke sekolah setiap pagi. Itu seperti gaya hidup sehat. Kopenhagen adalah kota di tepi laut, jadi saya cukup sering naik perahu dengan ayah saya. Aku sangat senang. Kotaku terlihat seperti di negeri dongeng karena ada banyak kastil yang cantik dan kebun. Temanku dan aku suka berjalan-jalan di taman dan menikmati piknik. Aku sangat mencintai kota ku, penduduk nya sangat ramah dan optimis di sini. Aku tidak akan tinggal di tempat lain. Kami mengatakan untuk menjadi orang yang bahagia di dunia.)

Kelas Diet Online

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