Kamis, 16 April 2020

Exercise mr. budi (KIBI 19 thn 2020) 17/04/20

Exercise A
Match the beginning of sentence with the correct ending.
1. Dogs,cats, and birds are (d. animals)
2. Please put the car (a. in the garage)
3. I need to plant some grass (b. in the backyard)
4. I’m going to put up fence (c. around the yard)

Exercise B
Match each statement with the statement that best follows it.
1. The dog got out (b. you left the gate open)
2. I have a young dog (a. he’s six months old)
3. Jack doesn’t play soccer (d. he plays basketball)
4. That hill is high (c. let’s climb it)

Exercise C
Fill in the blanks with words from the grey box.
The earth is very pretty. It has low hills and high mountains, fast low and large lakes, big trees with green leaves and colourful flowers, tall animals and wide oceans. Sometimes the past, hills and mountains are very green with high grass and big trees. But look at towns and cities. You can see that we have changed the earth. At present, in cities and towns, there are parking lots full of cars and many buildings where trees and grass lived in the land. We all need to work very hard to keep the earth nice for our children and for our children’s children.

Exercise D
Select the word or phrase each underlined pronoun refers to.
1. Henry and Harvey went to London last summer to study. Their school was in the center of the city. They liked it very much. They studied science and math and had classmates from all over the world. They learned a lot about other countries from them.
It = b. school
Them = c. classmates
2. Henry sent an e-mail to his friend Janet in New York. She was studying at a school there for the summer. He told her he liked London very much. He said it was very different from California and there were many interesting things to see.
There = b. New York
It = a. London
3. Henry and Janet are both from California. They live in beautiful city with lots of hills. It is near the ocean and has nice weather. They think their city is prettier than New York. In fact, they think California is the prettiest state in the USA.
It = a. California
They = c. henry and janet

Exercise E
Select the word or phrase for each underlined word or phrase
1. In the spring, people begin to think about things to do in the warm weather. Children think about getting out of school and working people think about taking vacations. Some people start to work in their yard. Others buy or make cooler and lighter clothes. Doing these things helps them get ready for the new season.
These things = c. thinking about things to do in warm weather
2. In the US, most students don’t go to school in the summer. Families with children often take their vacations then. Many go to parks where there are mountains, lakes or rivers. Some go to other countries to see how other people live. Other go to visit people in their families.
Many = b. families
Others = b. students
3. In august, most vacations are over. At the end of august, most people put away their vacation things and get ready for fall. There is always a crowd of students at the stores then. They buy pens, pencil, paper, notebooks and school books. Very soon schools start again. Students and working people go back to their usual work and study schedules.
Then = c. august
They = b. students

Exercise F
Read the paragraph. Then draw the picture it describes
In your picture. There will be a plane, a hill, a house, a fence, a tree and some clouds. Draw the house on the left side of the picture at the bottom. It is next to the hill. The hill is in the center of the picture. A tree is right next to the house on the left side of the building. There is a fence that makes circle around the house. Both the tree and the house are inside the fence. Draw four white clouds that are high above the hill. Just below the two clouds in the center of your picture, there is a plane. The plane is below the clouds now, but it will soon fly over the house. Draw the plane between the top of the hill and the four clouds. Color it gray.

Exercise G
Read and follow the instructions.
1. Put the last letter of the word moon here : N
2. Write the first letter of the word earth : E
3. Next, write the first letter of sun : S
4. Put the second letter of star in this blank : T
5. Complete this sentences with the letters in the blanks:
A bird’s home is called a NEST

Exercise H
Rewrite the three paragraphs with capitals and punctuation.
Colonel John Glenn was an officer in the US Marine Corps from 1943 to 1965. He was a pilot, and flew very fast jet planes. He started a new job in 1959 that year be began to work at NASA.
Colonel Glenn was the first American to fly around the earth in space on February 20, 1962. He flew 162 miles above the earth and travelled 17500 miles per hour. He circled the earth 3 times in a NASA space ship. The trip was 4 hours and 55 minutes long. Colonel Glenn was 40 years old at the time.
In 1998, he flew into space a second time. This second trip was 9 days long. He travelled 3600000 miles and circle the earth 134 times in 213 hours and 44 minutes at the time of this second flight, Colonel Genn was 77 yeard old.

Exercise I
Fill in the blanks with comparative or superlative adjective.
1. I have two sisters. Jane is forty years old. Janet is forty-two years old.
Jane is younger than Janet
Janet is older than jane
2. My three friends all had birthdays last week. Jay is twenty-five years old. Jack is thirty years old and Jason is twenty-seven years old.
Jay is the youngest
Jack is the oldest
Jack is older than Jason
3. Some of my friends have houses in the country. Jack and jill have a house on a hill. Jan and john’s house is on mountain.
Jack and jill’s house is _____________ Jan and john’s house
Jan and john’s house is _____________ Jack and jill’s house is
4. People like to travel in warm weather. Ken took a vacation for three weeks in June. Len went to the beach for thirteen days in July. Ben travelled in France and England from April until September.
Bens vacation was longer
Lens vacation was fastes
Kens vacation was longer than lens
5. To get to Dallas, Don drove five hours and twenty minutes. Janet drove five hours and Gerald drove four hours and forty five minutes.
Gerald is fastes driver
Don is slower driver

Exercise J
Rewrite the sentences. Use superlative adjectives with -est
1. Hank’s car is older than any other car on the base
Hank’s car is the oldest car on the base
2. Johnny is taller than my other children
Johnny is the tallest children
3. Let jack carry that box. It is heavier than the others
That box is the heaviest
4. There are four men on the team. Jack is stronger than his teammates
Jack is the strongest in teammates.

Exercise K
Write answers for the questions
1. How old is your friend?
My friend is forty
2. How old are these chairs?
Its nearly new, I bought this last month
3. How old is your city?

4. How old those trees?
This trees is

Exercise L
Write questions for the answers. Use How old .. ?
1. How old is your brother?
My brother is sixty-eight
2. How old your car?
Its nearly new. I sold my old truck and bought this one last year.
3. How old is your children?
My daughter is ten, and my son is twelve
4. How old is your coat?
I really need a new coat. This one is ten years old

Exercise M
Categorize the words in the grey box
Are these words rooms, types of homes or things in the yard? Write each one in category.
Home: mobile house, house, apartment, town house,
Rooms: bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom
Yard: grass, flowers, trees, hill

Exercise N
Write a description of the place where you’ll live in the future.
Use some of the words from the box below
I will live in a house with a rear yard
My home will be front of hill
It will be near a river
My home will have flowers and grass with fence around the yard

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