Kamis, 23 April 2020

exercise ms nani, be going to/ will, 24,4,20

A.      Complete the Sentences using Future Tenses “Will/ or Going to”.

      1. A: Why are you holding a piece of paper?
          B: I am going to writing a letter to my friends back home in Texas.
      2. A: I'm about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!
    B: I am going to get you a cup of coffe
3.  I think he will be the next British Prime Minister.
4.   We are so excited about our trip next month to France.  We will visit Paris, Nice and Grenoble. 

B. Let’s put it into other practices. Now is it will or going to?
1. I’ve just scored another goal! We going win this game. 
2. I’m feeling blue. I think I will stay at home tonight. 
3. Can you take care of the baby? No, sorry. I am going to study.
4. Oh, she is going to sneeze. 
5. Can you give me a hand? Ok. I will wash the car.
6. I’ve put my boots on because I am going to wash the car. 
7. I will call you when I get to the hotel. 
8. There’s someone at the door. I will go!  
9. Have you got my keys?  Oh sorry, I am going to get them now. 
10. I will call you tomorrow, I promise! 
11. It’s really hot in here!  Oh! I will open the window if you like. 
12. I bought this special shampoo because I am going to bath the dog. 
13. How are you going to the station? Dave will give me a lift. 

Please pay attention to the explanation below:

going to


at 8:00



ALC Book 8 Lesson 1 page 19.
Exercise C.
Read and Record your voice.
1. She is going to live with her daughter next year.
2. I am going to grow tomatoes this summer.
3. Watch out! There is ice on the street. You are going to fall down.
4. Be careful! That lamp is going to fall.
5. We are going to follow you to the airport in our car.
6. Sam and Lou are going to drive to the airport.
7. Sarah is going to pick up her brother, Jim.
8. Mr. Philip's plane is going to land at 7:00 this evening.
9. My mother is going to stay for six days.
10. Phil is going to return his books to the library on Saturday.

Note: We often say gonna for going to, but we don't use gonna in writing.

Exercise D.
Rewrite the sentences in the negative. Use the word in (   ).
Number 1 is an example.
1. I am going to buy a sweater.  (jacket)
    I am not going to buy a jacket.
2. You are going to leave at 5:00. (6:30)
    You are not going to leave at 6.30
3. They are going to grow tomatoes. (potatoes)
    They are not going to grow potatoes
4. We are going to eat lunch now. (dinner)
    We are not going to eat dinner now
5. I am going to cook lamb. (beef)
    Iam not going to cook beef
6. Judy and I are going to swim this afternoon. (this evening)
    Judy and I are not going to swim this evening

Please pay attention to the explanation below:


going to


at 8:00

Exercise  E.
Rewrite the sentences. Use BE going to.
Number 1 is an example.
1. The jet will land at the San Antonio airport at midnight.
    The jet is going to land at the San Antonio airport at midnight.
2. Jeff won't buy a new car.
      Jeff not going to buy a new car
3. You won't move the bookcase
      You are not going to move the bookcase
4. The radio said it will freeze tonight
      The radio said it is going to freeze tonight
5. They will go to the park this afternoon.
      They are going to the park this afternoon
6. The leaves will fall to the ground in autumn.
      The leaves are going to fall to the ground in autumn
7. You will take the second exit off Highway 90.
     You are going to take the second exit off Highway 90
8. I won't use the Celsius thermometer.
     I am not going to use the Celsius thermometer
9. There will be ice on the roads tonight.
     There are going to be ice on the roads tonight
10. Sandra won't sit on the wet ground.
       Sandra is going to sit on the wet ground

2 komentar:

  1. Great Job Ms Sari. BTW, have you check the answers from my blog? Sorry I can't check one by one. But you can see the key from my blog. The link is : https://nani2teacher1navy.blogspot.com/2020/04/be-going-to-or-will.html


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